Visit to Beryslav Medical College

On April 9, 2019, associate professor Tatyana Zborovskaya visited the Berislav Establishment of General Secondary Education No. 3 and the Berislav Medical College Municipal Institution of the Kherson Regional Council, where she introduced for students of 10-11 classes and students of medical and pharmaceutical departments with specialties that you can get education in National
University of Pharmacy. Listeners learned with interest about the wide possibilities of studying in the NUPh and about the conditions of admission.

Teaching and teaching staff were invited to receive a second higher education of professional program Quality, standardization and certification, as well as other programs. We wish you to make the right choice for the future profession!

We thank school principal Olga Borisovna Deryabinova and deputy director for academic work at college Roman Nikolaevich Zaporozhets for the opportunity to communicate with students, students and teachers, as well as for the meaningful cooperation!

Visit to Beryslav Medical College

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