November 15 – World Recycling Day

World Recycling Day is celebrated annually on November 15th. The main goal of the day of recycling is to draw people’s attention to this topic.

Using recycling can solve many problems: reduce the cost of finished products, solve the problem of limited resources, reduce landfill volumes, improve the quality of the environment.

The problem of waste accumulation is particularly acute, because people leave behind billions of tons of garbage (1.3 billion in 2013), the decomposition of which will last for centuries. The irrational use of natural resources and the accumulation of industrial and household garbage can have dire consequences in the future.

Environmentalists note the need to properly dispose of garbage, and even better – to recycle it, giving the already used raw materials a second life.

At the Department of Quality Management, recycling is studied in several disciplines and is an integral part of management systems.

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