Gladkova Olga

Gladkova Olga

Gladkova Olga – PhD in Economics, associate professor, responsible for the specialty “Business economics”, pedagogic work


Gladkova OlgaGladkova Olga



She has graduated from Kharkiv A. M. Gorky State University in specialty “Finance and Credit” (1995). She defended PhD thesis at Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail TuganBaranovsky in the specialty 08.00.08 – money, finance & credit.

She worked as an assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor of finance department at Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky (1995-2014). Since 2016 she has been working at NUPh as an associate professor of the Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy.

Educational methodical work. Disciplines taught by Associate Professor: “Finance”, “Money and credit”, “Global economy”, “International economics”, “Competitive management of pharmaceutical companies”, “Business finance and investment”, “Financial flows in logistics systems”, etc. Author and co-author of 10 textbooks, including recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, more than 100 scientific and educational developments and publications.

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