Cabinet of Ministers intensifies preventive measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic

Cabinet of Ministers intensifies preventive measures to curb the coronavirus epidemicIn order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, the Government plans to introduce more stringent quarantine measures.

In particular, during the quarantine scheduled to end on April 24, 2020, throughout Ukraine, among the introduced changes the following bans will be in effect:

? stay in public places without a face mask or respirator;

? movement by a group of persons more than two persons, except for cases of service exigency and accompanying children;

? stay in public places of persons under 16, unaccompanied by adults;

? visiting parks, public gardens, recreation areas, forest parks and coastal areas, except for walking the pets by one person and in case of service requirements;

? visiting recreation areas and playgrounds;

? carrying out all mass (cultural, entertaining, sports, social, religious, advertising and other) gatherings involving more than 10 participants, except for the measures necessary for the work of state authorities and local self-government bodies, etc.

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