The National Pharmaceutical University is recruiting for the specialty “Management” for the educational program “Quality, Standardization and Certification”

The National Pharmaceutical University is recruiting for the specialty “Management” for the educational program “Quality, Standardization and Certification”.

You can get a full second higher education with a state diploma for 1.5 years!
The recruitment is conducted at the master’s level in the presence of higher education at the level of a bachelor’s degree, a specialist or a master without taking into account the direction of the previous education!

The National Pharmaceutical University is recruiting for the specialty "Management" for the educational program "Quality, Standardization and Certification"Tuition fees (per year):
Daily form – 13550 UAH
Evening form – 11500 UAH
Correspondence form – 10550 UAH

Specialty “QSC” exists in the NuPh for nearly 20 years, during this time more than 1500 people were released, many of whom found worthy high-paying jobs at the leading enterprises of Ukraine and other countries.

Conditions of admission:

Upon admission to full-time, evening and correspondence forms of study on the basis of a bachelor’s degree or a specialist of any specialty for obtaining a master’s degree, competitive selection takes place based on the results of the entrance test, an additional entrance test in accordance with the chosen specialty, the foreign language examination and the average diploma score on the educational (educational-qualification) level.

Conditions of admission:

When enrolling for full-time, part-time and part-time studies on the basis of a bachelor’s degree or a specialist for obtaining a master’s degree in non-native specialties, the competitive selection takes place according to the results of the entrance examination, the additional entrance examination is tested in accordance with the chosen specialty, the foreign language examination and the average score of the diploma educational (educational-qualification) level.


Stages of the introductory company Full-time, part-time, part-time forms of education
Beginning of acceptance of applications and documents on July 2
End of acceptance of applications and documents on July 26
Dates of the entrance exams July 27-28
The deadline for publicizing the rating list of applicants on August 1
Deadlines for fulfilling the requirements for crediting no later than August 10 – for the funds of individuals and / or legal entities
Deadlines for enrolling applicants not later than August 10 – for funds of individuals and / or legal entities


 To the application submitted in paper form, the arriving person adds:

– a state document on the previously received educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which the entry is made, and the annex to it;

– a copy of the document proving the identity and citizenship;

– a copy of the identification number of the individual;

– four color photos with a size of 3×4 cm.

For all questions, please contact:

tel .: 097 330-33-22, 097 943-08-32, 050 575-12-18, 093 991-12-92


You can receive exhaustive consultations at the quality management department personally at the meeting or by phone: 097 330-33-22, 097 943-08-32


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