Excursion to the NuPh food complex

Today, October 10, on the Day of Workers of Standardization and Metrology, a collective of the Department of Quality Management and students of the specialty “Management” who are studying under the educational program “Quality, Standardization and Certification”, visited the NFaU food complex with the excursion program.

The purpose of the tour is to see examples of implementation of HACCP principles (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point – a system of risk analysis, hazardous factors and critical points control). The HACCP system is designed to guarantee the production of safe products through the identification and control of hazardous factors throughout the product lifecycle chain.
We thank Elena Shishkina and Sergey Svetlich for a detailed and interesting story about the problems of the food complex and the applicable methods of their solution, as well as plans for the development of our remarkable “student restaurant”.

We have agreed on further cooperation and hope that our students will adopt much of what they have heard today.Excursion to the NuPh food complex

Excursion to the NuPh food complex

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