The 1st day of work of the examination committee

02/06/2018 The first group of applicants for higher education of the specialty “Management” of the educational program “Quality, Standardization and Certification” defended their final qualification works. Defended, I must say, very good – without ratings “satisfactory”, only “good” and “excellent.” Read more

Happy New Year!

Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate everybody with New Year! We make installation for Happy, Productive, Rich in Joyful events of 2018! Peace, well-being, harmony in relationships and a sense of joy from good deeds!

In our University there is a new Rector

Since December 18, 2017, the National University of Pharmacy has a new rector: Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Alla Kotvitska. The university staff elected of Alla Kotvitska by a majority vote. Over the past time, the candidacy was approved by Read more

День відкритих дверей 16.12.2017

The Department of Quality Management conducted professional-orientation work with visitors of our University during the Open Door Day on 16.12.2017. In the course of this event, the assistant professor of the Department Tatiana Zborovskaya held talks with those who wish Read more

Open Door Day 11.11.2017

The Department of Quality Management conducted professional orientation work with NFaU visitors during the Open Doors Day 11.11.2017 T. Zborovskaya, associate professor of the department and a post-graduate student of the chair of T. Karamavrov, conducted vocational orientation discussions with Read more