Preparation for entrance exams

Dear entrants! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the program of the specialized exam for admission to the educational program “Quality, Standardization and Certification”, as well as with the supplementary exam program and the foreign language examination program. Also Read more

Open Day

On the first Saturday of March, the National Pharmaceutical University held another open day. The event was traditionally attended by the Department of Quality Management. Visitors who, despite the snowy weather, visited the NFUU, received booklets about the educational program Read more

День відкритих дверей 16.12.2017

The Department of Quality Management conducted professional-orientation work with visitors of our University during the Open Door Day on 16.12.2017. In the course of this event, the assistant professor of the Department Tatiana Zborovskaya held talks with those who wish Read more

Open Door Day 11.11.2017

The Department of Quality Management conducted professional orientation work with NFaU visitors during the Open Doors Day 11.11.2017 T. Zborovskaya, associate professor of the department and a post-graduate student of the chair of T. Karamavrov, conducted vocational orientation discussions with Read more