Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna

Kovalenko Svetlana NikolaevnaKOVALENKO Svetlana Nikolaevna (07.07.1968, Kharkov) – Head of Department of management, economics and quality assurance in pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, professor .

Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna
Kovalenko Svetlana NikolaevnaKovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna


Graduated Kharkov Institute of Pharmacy in 1991. Work experience: Senior Laboratory of the Department of Organic Chemistry (1991-1996), Head of Quality Control Department “Magik” (1996-1999), senior researcher of the State Research Laboratory quality control of drugs (1999 -2002), assistant in Department of Organic Chemistry in 2002, associate professor and dean of the Department of quality management (2002-2012), assocuate professor and deanlecturer and head teacher of commodity department since 2012. Freelance certified auditor for quality management systems of ” Interdisciplinary Center quality “PRIROST” Ukrainian Quality Association since 2005.Educational-methodical work: She reads lectures on Commodity and quality management, and so- author of three monographs, three educational textbooks. Research work: “Development of content, technology and standardization of pharmacy preparations in the form of tablets and gels, development MKY for pharmacy, development of teaching materials for training of quality pharmacy sector using multimedia technology. PhD thesis “Glisulfazid: developing the technologies and methods of standardization and dosage forms ” defended in 1996. She has authored more than 100 scientific and methodical works, including – 25 scientific articles in professional journals, and articles 6 to pharmacy encyclopedia. Supervises the preparation of one associate professor of science. Awarded Diplomas of Kharkov Regional State Administration (2005) and the National University of Pharmacy in 2010.

Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna

Kovalenko Svetlana NikolaevnaKovalenko Svetlana Nikolaevna

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